A hit, a very palpable hit. "Hamlet" Act 5 scene 2
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors
A horse a horse my kingdom for a horse
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors
A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse! "King Richard III" Act 5 scene 4
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors
A kind Of excellent dumb discourse. "The Tempest" Act 3 scene 3
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors
A little more than kin, and less than kind. "Hamlet" Act 1 scene 2
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors
A very ancient and fish-like smell. "The Tempest" Act 2 scene 2
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors
A wretched soul, bruised with adversity, We bid be quiet when we hear it cry But were we burdened with like weight of pain, As much or more we should ourselves complain.
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors
A wretched soul, bruised with adversity, We bid be quiet when we hear it cry; But were we burdened with like weight of pain, As much or more we should ourselves complain.
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors
Action is eloquence.
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety.
William Shakespeare #Authors #Actors