A genius is the man in whom you are least likely to find the power of attending to anything insipid or distasteful in itself. He breaks his engagements, leaves his letters unanswered, neglects his family duties incorrigibly, because he is powerless to turn his attention down and back from those more interesting trains of imagery with which his genius constantly occupies his mind.

William James #Other

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely re-arranging their prejudices.

William James #Other

Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.

William James #Other

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

William James #Other

An act has no ethical quality whatever unless it be chosen out of several all equally possible.

William James #Other

An idea, to be suggestive, must come to the individual with the force of revelation.

William James #Other

As a rule we disbelieve all the facts and theories for which we have no use.

William James #Other

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.

William James #Other

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.

William James #Other

Circumstance does not make me, it reveals me.

William James #Other
